Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Quote of the Day

From MY:

"If downing shots of liquor is really the truest sign of "being a man (or woman) of the people" then I guess every dude in every frat in America is now working class. Indeed, even Matt Yglesias, certified pointy-headed elite, enjoys a celebratory shot or two every now and again. Meanwhile, a little birdie told me a lot of working class protestant church folk are teetotalers. But who am I to correct Roger Simon, who doubtless has so much working class cred that wine bottles spontaneously combust in his presence."

Irony of the Day


Papal Visit 2008: President Prepares For White House Meeting With Pope:

Thousands are expected for the ceremony on the South Lawn, which will include the American and Vatican anthems and a 21-gun salute. [Boldface mine]